Like the Flowing Rivers... A compilation of great thoughts from such great writer, Paulo Coelho. Like his bestselling book, the Alchemist, this empowers us with wisdom. His stories teach us lessons of life. He takes us to places with his adventures. His writings touch and feed our souls, and lift our spirits with inspirations, hopes, and gladness.
Some qoutes from the book:
There was no point in squabbling over the inheritance love was enough.
If you want something, you need to look the other person in the eye.
Even when a friend does something you do not like, he continues to be your friend.
Any action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure.
You can give a fool a thousand intellects, but the only one he will want is yours - Arab proverbs.
The fool who loves giving advice on our garden never tends his own plants at all.
Each of us contains in our soul the same universe.
The greatness of God always reveals itself in the simple things.
However brightly a piece of coal may be burning, it will soon burn out if you remove it from the flames. However intelligent a man may be, he will soon lose his warmth and his flame if he distances himself from his fellow man.
In taking fifteen minutes of your day to stop and look at the world, and at yourself, and simply do nothing?: Everyone has time to do that. It's just that they don't have courage.
He passed through life. He didn't live it.
I don't know why we human beings are so obsessed with making rules about everything.
That desire to share something meant that we could enter the world of language without words, where everything is always clear, and there is no dander of being misinterpreted.
Seeing death: "I will touch you, but you don't know when. Therefore live life as intensely as you can.
He died while he was alive.
My dreams may be nonsense too, but i don't want to run the risk of not following them.
How often, for the lack of one brick, we completely distort the original plan of our lives.
How can he possibly want to see me, my son? He doesn't even believe I exist!
People are charitable to me, and so I must be charitable to others.
Sometimes the world asks us to fight gor things we do not understand, and whose significance we will never discover.
We can each of us only offer what we have.
The happiness of one does not mean the unhappiness of the others.
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