Wednesday, July 11, 2007

City of Angels...

"I would rather had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it" ~Seth

"When they ask me what i liked best, I'll say it was you.." ~Maggie

"I met this...this man. And i'm so confused. He's so strange. It's like he knows me. He...recognizes me. When he's there...everything around me is so vivid, it's all...breathing, it's alive. I'm alive. And when he's gone...I get the strongest sense that he's still there..."
~ from Maggie Rice's Journal

"What good would wings be if you couldn't feel the wind on your face?" ~Susan

Seth :
You're a good doctor, I can feel it.
Maggie: That's pretty flimsy proof.
Seth : Close your eyes...What am i doing?
Maggie: You're touching me.
Seth : How do you know?
Maggie: I can feel it.
Seth : You should learn to use that more often.

Anne :
What happened to you?
Seth :
I fell.
Anne :
Off a train?
Seth :
No, In Love...

"Some things are true whether you believe in them or not..." ~Seth

Even Angels cry.
If you don't believe my words just look upon the sky.
Do you really think it's rain?
It's nothing more than heaven's pain.
Even Angels cry.

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